Common Mistakes To Avoid When Refinishing Outdoor Furniture

Refinishing outdoor furniture is more than just a way to give your patio or garden a fresh look; it’s an act of preservation and creativity. However, as straightforward as it may seem, this task comes with its own set of pitfalls that can turn your renovation project into a frustrating endeavor. Here are the four most common mistakes you must avoid when refinishing outdoor furniture.

Waiting Too Long for Refinishing Services

The biggest mistake luxury patio furniture owners make is waiting too long to refinish their cherished items. Exposure to the elements can gradually degrade your pieces’ material quality, leading to more complex issues that are harder and more expensive to address. Sunlight, rain, and changing temperatures can strip away finishes, cause wood to warp or rot, and corrode metal. Acting promptly at the first sign of wear or regular intervals can significantly extend your outdoor furniture’s life. It’ll maintain its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity while helping you avoid the need for more intensive repairs down the line.

Doing Improper Surface Prep and Sanding

Improper surface preparation and sanding are critical missteps that can significantly undermine the refinishing process. This step often goes overlooked when attempting to achieve a smooth, durable finish. Failing to clean the furniture or remove old paint and finish properly can result in an uneven surface, causing the new finish to peel, crack, or fade prematurely. Over-sanding or using the wrong sandpaper grit can damage the furniture’s surface, leaving scratches that will be more apparent after the new finish’s application.

Choosing the Wrong Primer, Paint, and Finish

Another common pitfall is choosing the wrong type of primer, paint, or finish for outdoor furniture, which can lead to disappointing results. It’s essential to select products specifically for outdoor use, as these can withstand the harsh elements. Additionally, selecting the incorrect type of product for your furniture’s material—whether it be wood, metal, or plastic—can prevent the primer, paint, or finish from adhering properly. This can reduce the lifespan of the refinishing job.

Not Getting Professional Help

Attempting a DIY refinishing project on your luxury outdoor furniture is a complicated, time-consuming, and often unsuccessful process. Thankfully, opting for professional refinishing services guarantees far superior results and greater convenience, allowing you to kick back and enjoy your revitalized outdoor space! Professionals like our CFR Patio team have the equipment, expertise, and experience to accurately assess your furniture’s condition and choose the right refinishing products for optimal results. We also have the skill set to prepare the surface properly; sand evenly; and apply primers, paints, and finishes flawlessly. Ultimately, we’ll save you time, money, and frustration.

Avoid these common mistakes when refinishing your outdoor furniture to guarantee a relaxing, functional, and comfortable outdoor environment! Contact our friendly team at CFR Patio to learn more about our professional services, including luxury Brown Jordan patio furniture repair options and more.
